Virtual NHLcast #10 - Christmas Special
The Ashton... Eh.. I mean Jesus Virtual NHLcast is back! This time as a christmas special..well because it's christmas soon, obviously.
Listen to the three amigos, Jesus, Billy and Kenu.... Oh and Raixor..
We are trying to summarise the year that has past, and oh what a year it has been! Who do you think has been the best player of 2012? Hear us speak our MINDS on that matter.
Enjoy the show.. And of course, the christmas music!
And yes .... you know .... merry christmas!
Northern Stars - Power of Finland
Jaaaaaaaaa! Så är det nu klart att storfavoriterna höll. NoS möter PoF i final - igen. Nu klingar det möjligtvis lite bitterhet i dessa nästintill klara pianotoner som är mitt tangetbord. Men neeej då! Inte alls. Faktiskt! Jag konstaterar årligen igen här och nu att dessa två herrskap är fantastiskt duktiga på vad de gör. De är kapitalismens svar på Coca Cola och McDonalds. Eller Jesus och Stevs Jobs, typ. Även fast jag kan tycka att Steve Jobs kanske fått aningen för mycket credd för sitt Apple. Han har såklart förändrat många människors dagliga liv genom sin personifiering av tekniskt medbara prylar. Men när folk jämför honom med personer så som Thomas Edison eller Henry Ford, ja då blir man rentav lite förbannad. Han har ju trots allt enbart tagit en redan fungerande teknik och gjort den lite mer lättillgänlig och personlig. Det är såklart beundransvärt och mannen hade tonvis av sån där VISION. Men steget han tagit i ingenjörskonsten är inte lika stort som det steg Ford tog från häst till bil ... eller stearinljus till GLÖDLAMPA - såklart!
Oavsett. Det är kul och inspirerande att se hur väl de två grupperingarna i nos respektive pof faktiskt fungerar tillsammans . Det är givetvis på sin plats att dra parallellen till filmgodiset som tituleras, Intochables! De visar upp en glädje och passion för spelet som är på snudd till underbar! Framför allt visar de att det lönar sig att spela ihop med samma killar över en längre tid.
Just det konstaterandet tror jag är berättigat. För under Nos och Pof har det år efter år skapats diverse nya lagbyggen med ambition att slå ut dessa två giganter, där spelarna i det nykomponerade laget handplockats av någon bärfinfluerad GM för att verkligen få något riktigt top notch och vinnande. Det är en formel som också har bäring kortsiktigt - vilket historiken visar prov på. Se bara på ex Laser HT nu i detta EHL. Problemmet är ju bara att de ALDRIG kommer kunna vinna EHL om man har som målsättning att börja om så fort man åkt på en mina.
Jag lovar och svär att de personer som tänker i banor om att de skall börja om med ett nytt lag fyllt till egen med toppspelare från duktiga lag och med det ska nå framgång - ALDRIG NÅGONSIN kommer vinna EHL. Semi-final? - Absolut. Men aldrig längre. Ta ex Laser HT. Om de nu tillsammans fortsätter lira en turnering till och bygger från de framgångar de nyss nått - ja då är det fullt ut möjligt att de kliver upp på den högsta nivån. Däremot, om de nu tar och avvecklar och spelare går skilda vägar, ja då är de återigen tillbaka på filmruta ETT och de kommer återigen behöva börja om till ingen som helst nytta.
Jag lovar. Så tänk nu på det alla ni lag som inte vann i år och som känner att ni har potential att bli bäst. Börja inte om bara för ATT. För ni kommer bara behöva börja om IGEN. Därför jag tror ex inte på den nya stora MONUMENTALA genisatsningen som är "Men with Sticks":). Även fast namnet är alldeles kanon, naturligtvis!
Det har varit en fantastisk turnering. Kudos till alla som gör det möjligt! Tack så mycket! Bäst på plan har Chiimera, Jaiken, Mike Honkanen och han målvakten i HC Meteor varit rent genomgående. Vinner denna turnering gör troligtvis Northern Stars. Nu har jag fått det sagt
Virtual NHL hockey podcast #9 - Patovic
Hi .... Hi ... Hi .... Hello .... Yes, it's time for a new and wonderful podcast with Jesus, Billy da Kid & Raixor. This time our guest is none else but the great Gatsby..I mean Patovic! Hear us talk about the EHL-playoffs, predictions, excuses, movies and much much more.
So ... what are you waiting for?
Podcast? Okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!?
Jesus with the answers (Round of 16)
Yo! I know I'm late, but I thought that I would predict every single PLAYOFFS-series from now til the end of the tournament when CoG the almighty have lifted the trophy. Better late than never. I start with round of 16, even tho some games already have been played. But anyways, it dosen't matter since the answer is written below. This is offical and to tell you the truth ... with this in mind there is not really any vital reason for us to keep playing in this tournament. But meh ... I guess the obvious is satifying in it's own way as well.
Note: I only predict the winners, not in # of games.
Power of Finland - HC Meteor (Power of Finland wins)
HC Meteor has everything to gain, and nothing to lose here. But a win here would simple be the most monumental suprise in EHL-history. Obviously not going to bet on such a logic. Power of Finland is the best team right now and will probably win quite easily. PROVE ME WRONG!
HC Meteor has everything to gain, and nothing to lose here. But a win here would simple be the most monumental suprise in EHL-history. Obviously not going to bet on such a logic. Power of Finland is the best team right now and will probably win quite easily. PROVE ME WRONG!
Sons of the Morning - HC Rednecks (Sons of the Morning wins)
I think Rednecks can take one or two games in this series. But not three and NEVER EVER four games. I think Sons of the Morning is extremely eager to finally show what they can accomplish. They will probably go a long way with the right focus.
Laser HT - Company of Geeks (Company of Geeks wins)
My wonderful Geeks receives Laser HT - A very competent team. Heavy forwards with a flair for goals. But I'll be honest, I'm not particularly worried about Laser HT. They have a intense pace in their game, but lacks the huge hockey sense that Company of Geeks breathes. That and our experience is in our favor. However, I would like to point out that it is extremely important that Geeks are clear about who should play and not play and find that perfect structure and balance a team needs to go far in a tournament of this sort. Especially important also since geeks have signed a lot of new talanted members. If Geeks can succed in this department I do BELIEVE that Jesus .... ehh Geeks can win the whole thing. But first we have to get to the quarterfinals. 4-2 in games this series is a good start.
Drunken Rebels - Cosa Nostra (Cosa Nostra wins)
Two absolutely wonderful teams. Dare we hope for a live stream? I suspect that this series will offer quality entertainment and brake all kinds of pay-per-view records. Drunken Rebels is a solid team. But they lack a bit of edge. Cosa Nostra has gamewinners at litterary every position. Bait and haxxon, just to mention two excellent examples. And Foppatoffla is always competent in his game. However, Poco in net is a small question mark? He is one of the best goalies of all time, but have been rather uneven during this game. Will he stand for the pressure? If he do, Cosa Nostra is a team to recon with in this tournament. Will either way, be an interesting match-up to follow!
Northern Stars - HC Redballs (Northern Stars wins)
Northern Stars wins. Pretty simple. Floorbandyking seems to be back. RedBalls is a talented team. However, my feeling is that they still lack the mental capacity required to knock out the champions that is Northern stars. But who blames them? Quite a tough storm to rid out for any team, and even with the perfect chemistry and state of mind, its still a high fucking mountain to climb. But, to play against Northern Stars in EHL playoffs is always an opportunity to make history since they have never lost a series. That is quite inspiring if you think about it. So go for it RedBalls ... but yeah ... Northern Stars will probably prevail!
Skugskugan - Red Light Zone (Skugskugan wins)
I think the Red Light Zone will invite Skugskugan to dance. They have an arsenal of dedicated finns in their squad and has the ability to get some serious momentum (not the engine LOL) on their side. Something that should not be underestimated. But the logical choice falls on Skukstugan still, partly because they seemed to have found peace and harmony in the team. However, the fact that PajenC is excluded from the team is a huge setback. Especially later on in the playoffs. But yes ... quarterfinals is posible even without PajenC.
HC Sika - Tico Tico (HC Sika wins)
I love HC Sika. And I think that Darkki87 finally will prove himself in this series. Tico Tico is a stabile and well-organized team, but dosen't really excell like Sika does in their style of play.
I love HC Sika. And I think that Darkki87 finally will prove himself in this series. Tico Tico is a stabile and well-organized team, but dosen't really excell like Sika does in their style of play.
Baltic Sea Eagles - Birka Vikings (Baltic Sea Eagles wins)
Baltic Sea Eagles scored most goals of all in the group stage and has impressed from the start with their massive production credits. Mike Honkanen is particularly lethal. He reminds me of tbnantti anno NHL 12! BSE lacks a little defensive stability and will suffer for it. But I do not believe that Birka will be the team that does that. They will score some goals, but they will still not be able to keep Baltic Sea Eagles from being 1-goal a head in every game. Will be a tough and rough series, but BSE will win becuase the exemplify a more modern style of play.
So yes ... what do you think? Is it a sure 8/8? I think so!