Company of Geeks inbjudna till Nord Korea
Fick ett konstigt mail idag. Var från någon Liu Ping som bjöd in hos till ett "stort launch-party" i Nord-Korea av alla platser. De ville att vi i Company of Geeks(!) skulle vara med och föreviga detta historiska ögonblick. Ska tydligen bli ett jävla pådrag. Här är ett utdrag från mailet.
We are pranning to have a big opening cermony in the honour of NHR 94 raunch and our great reader. We'rr heard you might be interested going to the great nation of North Korea. We'rr wirr be praying NHR 94 as it has just rereased and we need a crub to be in our opening cermony. We ask you becuase you are not associated with those firthy american dogs. This is a great honour for any crub to come here to our fantastic nation. And berieve it or not but our great reader Kim Jong II wirr be attending the cermony and most rikely show you a move or two.
Send mair to us if your interested. We will terr you more rater!
So roong!/riu ping
Ja känns ju onekligen som en resa man helst bara vill göra en gång i sin livstid. Al hail Kim Jong II!!!
We are pranning to have a big opening cermony in the honour of NHR 94 raunch and our great reader. We'rr heard you might be interested going to the great nation of North Korea. We'rr wirr be praying NHR 94 as it has just rereased and we need a crub to be in our opening cermony. We ask you becuase you are not associated with those firthy american dogs. This is a great honour for any crub to come here to our fantastic nation. And berieve it or not but our great reader Kim Jong II wirr be attending the cermony and most rikely show you a move or two.
Send mair to us if your interested. We will terr you more rater!
So roong!/riu ping
Ja känns ju onekligen som en resa man helst bara vill göra en gång i sin livstid. Al hail Kim Jong II!!!
Postat av: Nogger "Nigga" Hogberg
Inte så konstigt att världens mest störda land bjuder in världens mest störda virtuella hockey lag. Hoppas Kim bjuder lite ut av sin fina whiskey.
Postat av: Realf Madrid
Fyla små lättöl ? Mela lis ?
Postat av: cHIMERa
"rikely" aj aj aj.. du gick bet på ett L :(