It is time. After 4 years of playing, we are finally here, ready to announce the 10 best players of these thousand, maybe millions of hours that have passed. But before that, I'm in the mood for some love. That means ... Christer Sjögren, of course!
I believe that "I love Europe" should be the national anthem for every country in Europe. Not only Sweden. To quote a genious "i love europe, and i love sweden.. but i wish justin bieber could come here to sweden<3"
Anyways. Now, I am pumped up. So let's go. This is more exciting than Ashtongamingshows "Don't-drink-and-drive"-videos
10. Sumpi90
The talented finn who has the hardest gun from the blue line known to man. Rarely makes mistakes and a vital cog in Power of Finland where he signals peace and safety. What a player!
9. Blejdi
One of Finlands best forwards is undoubtedly Blejdi. Complete player and Power of Finlands true engine. Has also the ability to always deliver when it matters most. Center with an extremely high minimum level.
8. bait19
Incredibly underrated. Technically talented. That, combined with his incredible hockey vision elevates bait19 to one of the league's best wingers. For an outsider, it is a joy to watch bait19 board the ice with his poise and bravery.
7. Imosi
Excellent at everything, but perhaps not the best at anything. Which is a great feature since your teammates actually always know whay they can expect from you. Imosi has played in many clubs (Hc siika, Nordic Lightning, NOS, Power of Finland, etc., etc.). Perhaps he has even the record for most number of clubs? Doesn’t matter. What speaks volumes, however, is the fact that he has consistently delivered goals and performances at an even level. Leads EHL-history with most points of all time.
6. Otroliga Esox
The man who have changed his name maybe 10 times - always in some sort of “esox”shape. A fact that is quite strange. Esox was anyway, arguably Europe's best defender 09 & 10, and is still today one of the continent's best defenseman’s. If you look at EHL-history, Esox have one of the highest points per game EVER for defensemen, which is especially great since Company of Geeks forwards not always tops the leaderboards. Is not the most technically proficient defender, but his vision and desire to win is second to NO ONE!
5. Chiimera
Originally a proven VS dude who changed and started playing EASHL on a daily basis instead. And wow, does he deliver? Yes, he does. Chiimera is undoubtedly one of the world's best players with his fast paced thumbs. Also somewhat of a director in Northern Stars, where he plays smart and mature all over the ice. A idol for many aspiring centers out there.
4. J parola
Magnificent defender that just a few years ago on his own raised African Lions to one of the league's best teams. Something that is very rare. Because it was obvious to me that Afro Lions, without Jparola was somewhat mediocre. With him, a team to reckon with! Flawless defender and also the ultimate champion when it comes to poke checks! I love this guy!
3. Maonii
In the end however you still have to conclude that Maonii is the best D-man of all time. His skill with the puck is mesmerazing. He gives time for his forwards through his puck skills. He has also the ability to end a game on his own, without giving up his defensive play, a feature that makes him unique and very valuable. Once again, the best D-man of ALL TIME!
2. Darkki87
A surprise to many. Not to me though, obviously. I have for a long time thought that Darkki87 is the best center of ALL TIME. Excels at everything. Have single-handily lead HC Siika to great success in both finnish and international tournaments. Always #1 in that team in terms of points, and overal always top 10 in every leaderboard – every year. Not so bad if you play in a team like HC Siika, who for the most part, skates around trying to kill their opponents. He also brings creative passes and mind blowing puck handling to the table. All in all, a vital player. In fact, the second best player of ALL TIME.
Darkki87 could however be #1 ... If it weren’t for … well you know who it is.:)
1. Floorbandyking
The best player of all times is called floorbandyking and comes from Uppsala, Sweden. There is no doubt in my mind that he is the communitys response to Wayne Gretzky (although Mario Lemiuex or Jesus Kristuz could have been better if it weren’t for that sad thumb-injury). And believe me. I tried to find a player that were better than Floor, since I really wanted to praise someone more “unknown”. But by the end of the day, his record speaks for itself. He is the greatest! He demonstrated this already in 09 where he, on his own (well okay Ivve83 helped I guess) turned a series against CoG from 0-3 to 4-3. That is greatness in its purest form. Since that he have won tournament after tournament in Northern Stars. And even though his team mates are world class players, I don’t think they would have been as successful without floorbandykings luminosity and also rather peculiar style of play on the ice. If this guy would be traded to Mad Mans they would seriously be able to win EHL, how crazy it may sound. I surrender oh my king.
0. Jesus Kristuz
Has with his amazing skill and great leadership wo …. Oh .. the list is already over!?. I know what you’re thinking. Where on the list is Jesus Kristuz? Surely, he should be # 1? Well, the truth is that I would never rank my self on a holy and objective list like this. My skills are for others to decide. I also, would like to say that there is a lot of great players who aren’t included on this amazing and monumental list. Players such as K3N7, Bigben, Sven Ebola etc. But you aren’t forgotten. In fact, I have in conjunction with God and my OTP-friends talked about all of you. So if your reading this list and thinking that you should be on the list, then you should know that we know who you are and we, most likely think you are really good. But in the end, there is players, just like you who deserves to be praised in this historic list. We all know that, and we all accept it!
In other words. Just as the birth of Christ, we are now starting over with a new time era. And when the time is right, it's time once again to announce the 100 greatest players of all time. Perhaps we will see a PS3 player at # 1 then? Perhaps even Ashton or someone's future son? Maybe Pajens brother? Only time will tell. But even more important. NOW - remember to have fun out there on the ice.
We conclude this historical list of remembering Pulverapa and his amazing blog.
So yes. Love to you all. And yes, let's make this year the best virtual hockey year EVER. That means, a different winner than Northern Stars in december.
Great list! Looking forward to EHL now a little bit more and thank you Northern Stars for yesterday's inspiration, you guys know what I mean.
"more exciting than AshtonGamingShow's videos" ?
Good job putting the list together, mister Zero...
Dineliten: ta det med oss istället för att skriva det här. vi hade match mot birka men ni frågade aldrig.
JESUS jesus JESUS denna jesus, varför å varför. här har jag, gått å väntat på att du ska hylla mina hipchecks i snart 2 veckor, å när jag väl väntat klart så nämner du det inte ens, alla gånger jag fått dig stå på näsan när du ska över vår blå.. besvikelsen är total
självklart ska jag även ta å tacka för att du tar dig tid att göra en sånhär häftig lista :) håller väl inte riktigt med dig om placering 5 till 2 men what the hell, det är din lista :).. rundar av med att säga att det var grisigt gjort att inte ranka dig själv ;]
Hehe, jaha så det är alltså du som hip checkar så där fint? Aldrig lagt märke till din konst sett till att man alltid är så frustrerad när man spelar mot NoS. Att man ramlar är liksom inget man tänker på. Trodde snarare att det var isen som var dåligt spolad bara. Men okej. Då har jag lärt mig uppskatta dig än mer. Jag ska även komma ihåg att skicka in Raixor med puck vid blå nästa gång.
Sedan. Förstår att du är besviken. En man med ditt spelintellekt bör så klart prisas och många håller dig säkert högst. Men 5 är trots allt en fantastiskt placering. Bästa svenska centern, vilket ju inte är fyskam. Eller ja, nu rankade jag iofs inte mig själv, så vi kan ju aldrig riktigt veta haha.
Oavsett, tack för tacket.
Billy: Think we need to talk about your obession with Ashton ... it's out of control:)
But yes. Thank you Mr Blue
Also I fall into the chorus of praise, great fun and worth reading list.
good as always Jesus.
btw... whats the matter with this Ashton dude... Theres just something about Ashton i guess or?
Testing testing // Greetings from the dashboard :D